2 Nov 2012

new york prep

I've found that the perfect way to channel my unrelenting excitement about my holiday, whilst at the same time add to it, is to watch lots of films and tv shows set in the great city itself.

So far we've watched: 

  • Ghostbusters (like I really need an excuse for this one) 
  • The Fisher King - a black comedy directed by monty python's Terry Gilliam
  • Taxi Driver - This was actually a first viewing for me and although I'm glad I've finally seen it I don't think I'll watch it again. Grim.
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's - this was also a first (don't judge me). I absolutely loved it, Audrey Hepburn is simply fabulous and v.funny too. I now totally understand what all the fuss is about, we should all make a fuss over Holly Golightly :)
  • Do the right thing - Spike Lee's fast-paced drama looking at racism and violence in a Brooklyn community. At times it made me laugh but the ending leaves a v.bitter taste in your mouth.
  • The Muppets take Manhattan - kinda predictable but who cares?! It's the muppets!
  • Sex and the City - how could any new york list not include it? I've started re-watching them from the beginning. Series 1 down so far - such terrible hair and lots of talking to the camera, quite glad they stopped that!
  • Elementary - I know, Sherlock Holmes doesn't live in New York and Dr Watson is a man. BUT, don't think about those points, think about this: I have no idea when the next series of Sherlock is going to grace our screens so, Johnny Lee-Miller jittering about (and occasionally taking his shirt off), solving the murderous conundrums of New York City with Lucy Liu in tow is a pretty good  substitute. JLM is a v.different Holmes to Mr. Cumberbatch and in some ways I prefer him, he seems a little more accessible and nowhere near as cold as old Cumberbatch...
  • GIRLS - I bloody love it. I think it's pretty much spot on humour-wise/content-wise and the soundtrack is damn good. (warning: a future post about how much I love this show is imminent)
That's the list so far and here's what's hopefully coming up: some Woody Allen, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Home Alone (especially with xmas on the way), An affair to remember. More suggestions are always welcome!


  1. I love doing this - there is nothing better than completely immersing yourself in the city you are about to visit!

  2. Such a great idea--I remember I watched Spiderman loads just after I went to NYC in July and I kept trying to spot places I'd been--I guess a lot of Superhero movies are set in Manhattan, so maybe some of them? x

    1. of course - good thinking! I actually watched the amazing spiderman not that long ago...X

  3. ^^ i agree with laura, also disaster movies (if that's not in too terrible taste) - i love escape from new york and cloverfield xx

    1. nah it is true a lot of fictional bad stuff tends to go down in new york too, not sure why movie-makers always pick that city! I saw cloverfield for the first time recently, it was pretty decent. Will definitely look into escape from new york - I'd completely forgotten about it! x


Ta v.much :)

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