20 Jun 2013

dream house

This will be brief. The house we used for yesterday's location shoot was the most amazing place. It was: my dream house. Now I know I've been to a lot of houses for the quilting magazine but everything about yesterday's location was perfect, from both a photographer's and an eager-to-start-nesting 26 year old's point of view. White walls with pops of colour was the overall theme but it wasn't just the decor that I coveted. There were so many odd little bits and pieces dotted throughout the house which, despite it being a film and photography property, made it feel like a lived in home.
This was my favourite room. I absolutely love the wallpaper backed boxes on the wall. When we move into our own place I really want something similar. And just look at the crochet blanket!
The garden not only had outdoor seating, a trampoline, tonnes of v.colourful flowers but also a swing seat! When I was little I always wanted a swing seat that hung from a tree.
Perhaps the most enviable room in the house (for me) was the dedicated sewing room - stuffed full of all the crafting paraphanaelia you could possible want - thread, fabric, wool, countless old jamjars of beads, buttons and trims. *sigh* One day, one day I will have a house big enough that there will be a spare room with no purpose so that I can turn it into my 'making room'.
And on to the kitchen, the big spacious kitchen with tonnes of surface space and an entire wall covered in these little cubby holes - practical but also like a piece of art.
The corner of the first flight of stairs featured a bendy tube light and the walls were full of mirrors of all shapes and sizes. I tried a number of times to get a decent pic but to no avail, so I settled for this.
Some of those odd bits and pieces I mentioned. A collection of globes in the second living room. Just because.

A day of serious house envy but also rather inspiring.

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Ta v.much :)

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